
The hospital was opened in 1956 under the name  Residencia Sanitaria del Seguro Obligatorio de Enfermedad de Gerona ( Residencia Obligatory Health Care Insurance Gerona) with the intention to give care to Social Security Beneficiaries, ie people without economic resources.


The construction followed a new model , inspired by North Americans hospitals. I5t was the first work in Girona built with reinforced concrete and brick exterior.The direction of the work took on the team of architects INP led by  Aurelio Botella Enríquez. It was a ten-storey building,of which seven were dedicated to hospitalization, and had a capacity of 291 beds. There was,however,only three floors equipped for surgical assistance,which reduced the sapce a hundred beds. Its occupancy rate was very low and was engaged primarily in obstetrics and orthopedics. In 1959 the name changes to the Social Healthcare Residencia Genaral Alvarez de Castro.


The first team of the  Residencia consisted of  150 people.There were the medical director and 28 doctors, who already worked at the clinic,and 2 resident doctors,28 nurses,3 midwives external; and  in  1958 joined  7 nursing assistants. The no medical staff was formed by a head of administration, administrative 5, a head of porters,56 subordinates (6 guards,cleaning satff,workshop staff,laundry,sewing,kitchensatff....) and craft staff: 2 gardners,a carpenter, a bricklayer,two painters, a plumber, two mechanics,two electricians,heating and four firemen. And the priest.

From the point of view of historical development of the Hospital, one of the aspects which has undergone major changes is nursing. The nursing staff of the Hospital was initially formed by religious sisters in the religious community of the doaughters of Charity of Saint  Vicenent de Paül, and few lay nurses. In the early years of  Residencia their work was essential.Besides health activities,the sisters took care of directing and controlling the activities of the kitchen,sewing, the school nurse and the student residence. On 29 December 1996 the sisters went from the Hospital. From1966, with the creation (ATS), was becoming increasing the number of nurses not linked to the religious community.


Gradually,the center incorporated more surgical specialties, which helped citizens gradually changed their perception about the Hospital. One of the most important moments that lived the hospital was precisely in 1974 when they hierarchize services,ie,they appoint service chiefs,section chiefs and deputy,giving all doctors category that pertained employment and creating new medical units. Thjis change led to a revolution in both  the healthcare system and teaching. The hierarchical  structuring of the Hospital was accompanied by an increase in the workforce overall Residencia which doubled .

In 1981 were transferred to the Generalitat the health care competencies and the next year was formed the first company commitee that emerged following the forced removal of a nurse,which ended with multiple administrative sanctions.

Since the late seventies the hospital had remained small and was considered a possible extension and restructuring of the building. The works of enlargement of the Hospital were extended for four years and ended in the spring of 1984  That same year  was finished the building of the parking.Aquell mateix anys, es va acabar l’edifici del pàrquing.

In 1990 changed the name of the hospital to adopt one of the most internationnaly renowned catalan doctors, Dr. Josep Trueta.


Today,the relationship betwen the Hospital and teaching is one of the most important aspects, as they also teach undergraduate nursing students of the University of Girona and since 2008 also medicine. Since 1978 it is also postgraduate training for medical students  and midwife residents. The first services to have MIR were general surgery,internal medicine,gynecology and obstettics,anesthesia,pediatrics and intensive care. 1996 an agreement was signed with the University of Girona that consolidated the hospital's vocation as a formative center, which is why adopted its present and definitive name:  Hospital Universitari de Girona Doctor Josep Trueta.


research is the third branch regarding the activity of the hospital .First was Dr. Dr. Josep Trueta Foundation who promote ,develop and disseminate biomedical research to improve the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This was created 1995 and was managed privatly. An important step was the creation of the Investigation Agency,when it began to acquire scientific and internationally. 2005 he took over the Biomedical Research Institute of Girona Dr. Josep Trueta  IDIBGI, and since 2008 is assigned to the public program CERCA

+  50 years of history

2006 the Hospital Universitari de Girona Doctor Josep Trueta de Girona commemorated the  50th aniversary.Were many and multitudinous events organized on the occasion of this anniversary achieving the objectives that were fully marked from the beginning:The projection of theHospital in the city, from a social aspect,historical and academic ,tightening ties with the society around and between employees and former employees.

From this commemoration remains a great memory among the health professionals and a greater footprint in Girona society. But the history of Trueta has been collected in the book: "From Residencia to high level Hospital   . 50 years of Hospital Dr. Josep Trueta de Girona 1956- 2006” whose authors are Dr. Josep Roig, Purificación Merino and  Dr. Joan Baró; The testimony of workers and former workers collected in a DVD taht provides an overview chart the history of our school; Torres Monsó made a sculpture for the 50th anniversary, a commemorative silver pin and two awards were given to our hospital on the occasion for the healthcare and social work made since 1956.

For those who want to know the history of our hospital,collected in the book:  "De la Residència a Hospital d’alt nivell. 50 anys de l’Hospital Dr. Josep Trueta de Girona 1956-2006”due to the testimony of those who lived live you can download by clicking here.
